Thursday, November 12, 2009


Integrating technology in the classroom effectively requires: knowledge, confidence, beliefs, and supportive culture (Laureate, 2009). Teachers need to have knowledge of technology skills in order to use different tools with their students throughout their classroom. Teachers also need to be on board that technology has many tools that can be used to enhance student learning. Most of all teachers need to have the confidence to use the different technology tools with their students in order to practice successful lessons.

Two indicators I feel that I need to strengthen my confidence in are: 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity and 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. To build my confidence in these two areas my GAME plan is as follows:

GOALS: In order to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity I need to promote student reflection by using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. I also need to do a better job at modeling collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. Second, to design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments; I need to customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources, and I also need to provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

ACTION: The first step in my action plan is to have students reflect on their understanding of concepts taught in each unit. Students will start a journal and will need to submit an entry after each unit that will tell me what they have learned in the past week or so. I could set up a class blog in which each student could post their reflection and other students could give a little feedback. The next step for me is going to look at different strategies that will address all learning styles in my classroom. Along with that I need to come up with multiple assessments rather than traditional paper and pencil.

MONITORING: In order to monitor my progress I will set up a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in which I will give myself deadline dates as to when I must be ready to implement my different steps. If I can give myself a checkmark beside the goal, it will mean that I have met my goal and I am ready to move onto my next goal. I will continue this process until I have achieved all my goals.

EVALUATE: To evaluate my progress I have decided to keep a journal. In this journal I will reflect on what is working with my students and what I need to modify in order for my students to be more successful. I will journal after each time I feel I have met a goal or I have tried to implement something new in my classroom.

Laureate Education Inc. (2009). “Enriching Learning Experiences with Technology.” Baltimore, MD: Laureate Education Inc.

National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) located at


  1. It is very true that confindence is needed in order to make a lesson successful. When a teacher is confident in the lesson they are teaching, the students can see this and will hoplefully pay more attention. I thinhk that it is a good idea to have the students reflect on what they learned during a certain period. This will allow them to see what they know and understand while seeing what needs to be worked on.

    Monitoring yourself in a manner with excel sounds like a great plan. That way each goal can be checked off and you can see what you need to take on and accomplish. Keeping records will definitely help you and your class.

  2. I also believe that in order to effectively integrate technology in the classroom that there needs to be confidence, belief, and a supportive culture. I also feel that I need to do better modeling technology to the students. I also would like to incorporate digital-age learning experiences. I am trying to do this with the SMART response clickers that I just received from my district. The students get instant feedback when they are taking an assessment. The students also get really excited when they get their results right away. The students like using the SMART responses and they feel like they do better on the responses then they do on paper and pencil.

  3. Desiree,

    I too just received a set of the clickers this year and my students absolutely love them. Every day they come into the classroom asking if they are going to get to use them today or not. The down side of using them, I have to share an LCD projector with my entire math department which can be very frustrating at times.


    I think by using an Excel spreadsheet I can make notes by each goal as well stating what worked and what didn't. This will allow me to make changes for the next time I teach my lesson.

  4. Emily,

    I also agree that a teacher must have confidence and knowledge when it comes to teaching and teaching with technology. However, not being confident tends to keep us from trying new things. Reflecting on how the lessons are going is a great way to learn.


  5. The Excel spreadsheet is a wonderful idea! Step-by-step checklists make every goal more manageable. It is something that I try to teach my students, but not necessarily something that I do well for myself. Your point about using it to make notes about what did or did not go well is very important. Thank you for sharing that with us.
