Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Carrying Out Your GAME Plan

Reviewing my GAME plan my two goals I have set for myself are as follows: (1) In order to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity I need to promote student reflection by using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes and (2) I also need to provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

Resources I will need in order to carry out my GAME plan: I will need an LCD projector in my room on a daily basis, a set of the SMART “clicker”, and access to the Internet of needed. In order to promote student reflection I would love for each of my students to set up their very own blog and be able to give them time in class throughout the week to post new ideas and reflections. I would use their blogs very similar to how we are using it for our courses here at Walden. Second, in providing students with various forms of assessment, I would love to use the interactive “clickers” with them. This would eliminate the boring paper and pencil style of assessment.

Additional information that I would need in order to carry out my GAME plan: I would need to take a survey with my students to find out how many students have access to the Internet at home. This would make me aware of whether or not I could give assignments using their blogs outside of the school building.

Steps I have taken so far, I have talked to my classes about setting up blogs and they all seem very excited about it. I have also talked to my department leader about getting a permanent LCD projector in my room and I should hopefully have one by the end of our first semester.


  1. Emily,

    The three of us in our "Learning Community" are all on the same wavelength with the SMART Response system. I'm glad there are so many of us who are interested in using this technology or who have already been using it for a while. It makes it easier to find resources when you know people who use it. Can't wait to hear how things progress for you so we can compare.


  2. I have a projector in my room for the first time this year and I love it. It is the sole piece of technology that I have and is somewhat relevant. I noticed that you are also going to use the clickers as a few other teachers are doing. What happens if the internet is down for the day or bell that you need it? Will you resort to traditional methods or is there an alternate assignment attached to this? I am curious to know what other teachers may do in this scenario, which seems to happen to me more than most. Thanks.

    Kevin Curtis

  3. I like your idea for having your students set up blogs where they can post ideas during the week. Any questions that they might have can be posted where other students can help to answer them. It is a great way for the students to all work toegether as well as give each other input and ideas based on what they have written. As you were saying about taking a survey, I think that this is important since you need to find out how many have internet at home. If they all don't have this luxury, it might be hard to give assignments that need to be finished outside of class. However, assignments in class can be given and posted so that all can see and learn.

  4. Not all of my students have Internet access at home, so I cannot give assignments that require computer access outside of class. However, since our goal is provide a variety of assignment and assessment options for diverse learners, it certainly can, and should, be one of the options we offer.

  5. I think the SMART "clickers" are a great tool to use. I had the chance to use them on a trial basis and the students all seemed to be very engaged and on task during the activity. I didn't get to spend a lot of time exploring the software, but I noticed that there were a lot of assessment features that were really nice, too. I think it's a great tool to use in the classroom.

  6. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I look forward to getting acclimated with the clickers and hope that I can share some helpful information with you. Also, I just found out...I will be getting my very own LCD projector some time this week!!!! :)

  7. Emily,

    It sounds like your GAME plan is going well. I wish that I could pull an LCD projector like that if I needed one! I have used the SMART clickers before and they do work well. It give students a great way to participate. There is no better way to check to see how many of your students really understand the concepts you are covering. Keep up the good Work!

