Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress

1. Are you finding the information and resources you need?

I am definitely finding the information and resources I need in order to follow through with my GAME plan. I just got my very own LCD projector installed into my classroom today!!! This will help to display my PowerPoint presentations that associate the hand-held devices my students will be able to use more on a daily basis. This will provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments. I also took my class one step at a time as each of them set up their very own blog to use in my class. I am going to use these to allow students time for reflection and to practice open-ended questions for their state tests. These blogs will promote student reflection by using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

2. Do you need to modify your action plan?

I do not feel as if I need to modify my action plan as it all seems to be coming together quite nicely. I feel as students are becoming more intrinsically motivated while using these technology tools in the classroom. With students being more engaged, I feel this will result in my students being successful math students.

3. What have you learned so far?

So far while implementing my GAME plan I have learned that students are more engaged and eager to learn. They come into the classroom very excited to get started with the day’s lesson. They continually ask, “When are we going to use the clickers?” They love them! I have also found the more creative I can be, the more creative the students are when completing the tasks at hand. I have seen a lot of students go above and beyond their abilities.

4. What new questions have arisen?

No new questions have really come up as I am going through my GAME plan. Other than, I wish I would have started this at the beginning of the year. This could have been my “hook” to get my students involved and interested in my math class!


  1. Hello Emily,
    Having just gotten clickers for my room this year I can agree with how excited the students are when they get to use them. Instead of the moans and groans of "its a test" they cheer. Being creative with the assessment is becoming a challenge. Along with finding the time to recreate the assessment. I have gone to Smartboard technology and used some of their clicker response assessment to help keep the ball rolling.
    How are you setting up blogs for each of your students? Are you having to set up the blog and creating a page for the students or is this their own blog?
    I think that is a wonderful idea. It would be a great way to utilize my class lab. Each morning a different group could be allowed to use the lab to write their reflection.
    Wonderful Post.

  2. Emily,

    Your very own LCD projector? Awesome! I have one in my room right now but it could be yanked at any time! Also, if you had it installed into your room on the ceiling, I envy you. I have more cords on the floor there are on a guitar!(sorry about the pun)

    I am glad that you have found your new hook. The clickers are a lot of fun and the feedback you can get is invaluable. I have a set in the department but I haven't gotten to them yet. I need to do that in soon to get my classes going again.

    Keep going on the plan. It sounds great!


  3. Congratulations on the projector and the clickers. Your students will continue to enjoy them if you continue to be creative with them (the clickers and your students). It always amazes me how surprised students are when they see us (teachers) doing something creative beyond the daily lessons. I know sometimes they think we are these feeling-less things that only know how to dispense data - wait, isn't that a computer? Anyway, when we do something that is beyond the normal, they get excited and see us in a whole new light. Keep doing that and you will have your students jumping at the opportunity to learn.

    Enjoy your new toys!

  4. Congrats on finally getting the LCD projector in your room. I know that without the technology in your classroom that you are very limited in the things that you are able to do. Last year I was moved to a room that did not have a SMART board and I had to go back to the old overhead projector and I was in real shock. I had always used a SMART board and I was not used to using an overhead to teach my lessons so it was a great learning curve for me. Since I got the SMART board and the clickers I have noticed that the students are a lot more engaged with the lesson that are being taught and I am enjoying seeing how excited the students get when they are using technology.

  5. Congratulations on the new projector! I don't know what I would do without my Promethean board and LCD projector. Hopefully, I won't have to find out! Now, if I can just get the clickers away from the teacher next door...

    I'm glad that your GAME plan is going so smoothly. Keep those students engaged!

  6. Emily,

    That's great that you got your new projector. It's always nice when you can use the new technology that is available. It really makes the kids more interested and usually makes your job a little bit easier.


  7. I am sure that you are glad that you finally received your projector in the classroom. Now, much more can happen such as power point presentations all the way to watching movies from your computer on the screen or even having visualization during lessons. It really isn't realized how useful projectors are until they are not available to use when you need one. Enjoy the projector and use it often.

  8. You and the students will truly appreciate the LCD projector. Have you ever used a document camera? This works well with the LCD projector and might be something to add to the wish list :)
