Saturday, December 26, 2009

Final Blog Post

As a result from my GAME plan I have learned that I need to follow through with my ideas. So often I will say I am going to do something as it sounds neat and interesting but then push it aside because doing my normal routine takes less effort. However, as I have found out there are so many more benefits to setting up a GAME plan and following it. By doing so I do not feel as if I have to have everything accomplished in one day, I can implement this over a period of time which does not seem as overwhelming. My students are much more engaged and eager to learn what I am teaching when I think of new ways to present the concepts to them. I also like the monitoring and evaluating piece of the GAME plan. It makes you sit down and reflect of what went well and what did not. I will definitely maintain using the GAME plan as I continue to put into practice new strategies and ideas.

I do not feel as if there will be any immediate adjustments to my instructional practice regarding technology as I have already done so with my GAME plan. However, I will continue doing what I am currently doing such as blogging with my students and creating more assessments using the interactive clickers. As I have learned in this course to be successful with integrating technology into your course is to feel confident with the technology you are using. I am still doing so as I try my new ideas with the pieces of technology I am currently using with my students. We are getting ready to change semesters and I will try my hardest to implement something new then.

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