Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 8 - Reflection

The resources my classmates posted on our differentiation station social network are amazing. I have decided that I am going to try and use one resource every two weeks until I get through them all. These resources are definitely going to allow me to teach to each learner in my classroom. Some of the websites have the capability to read what is on the screen which will be very beneficial to my auditory learners. Other resources have different skill levels that will allow for differentiation instruction to take place. I will however, continue to look for other resources that would be an asset to any of my learners at anytime. These resources are a great start and I am very thankful to have been placed in such a great group to collaborate with.

I plan to continue to integrate technology during my instructional practice as I see fit. I must say that it is frustrating seeing all these amazing resources that can be used in my classroom but not having the technology in my classroom to support it. As I have said before, it is my will to continue to incorporate technology as much as I possibly can. I will not give up until I know I have done everything I can to gain access to more technology that will allow me to reach all students in my classroom. In this course I have learned the more ways I can teach something to my students the more students I am going to have understand the new concept. Also, I need to continue to give my students options, I can not expect every student to produce or give ending results like everyone else in the classroom if I have not given them a fair opportunity too. I have already begun creating a survey in which all students will take on the first day in my classroom so I can understand the type of student and learner they are. This will allow me to plan and prepare for all learners in my room!

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